Joseph and the Hero’s Journey

Parashat Vayigash, Genesis 44:18–47:27 When Joseph said, “I am Joseph,” God’s master plan became clear to the brothers. They had no more questions. Everything that had happened for the last twenty-two years fell into perspective. So, too, will it be in the time to come, when God will reveal Himself and announce, “I am Hashem!”… Continue reading Joseph and the Hero’s Journey

Sibling Rivalry and the Articulated Torah

My friend and colleague Seth Klayman led a group discussion last week at the Messianic Leadership Roundtable in Phoenix, on “Building Trust While Approaching Gentiles and the Torah in our Communities.” Trust was the theme of the whole event, and Seth applied that theme to the thorny issue of Jews, Gentiles, and Torah within the… Continue reading Sibling Rivalry and the Articulated Torah

Trust: the fuel of transition

I've been learning a lot about transition lately—specifically, the sort of transition in congregational leadership or direction that’s inevitable, and that we need to get a lot more prepared for. A few weeks ago, I attended the Messianic Leadership Roundtable in Phoenix, generously hosted by Jewish Voice Ministries, with over 300 other leaders from across… Continue reading Trust: the fuel of transition

The Power of Presence

Some people think of folks over 50 as past the prime of life and ready to slow down or phase out, but I’ll have to disagree. The prime of life can extend well beyond the day when you start enjoying senior discounts on your movie tickets. This week I attended the Messianic Leadership Roundtable in… Continue reading The Power of Presence